Sustainability organisation and material topics

Our sustainability organisation is firmly anchored in the various departments. The priorities of our initiatives are based on our materiality analysis and the material topics derived from it. The projects that lead to the achievement of the strategic sustainability goals are defined annually.


The Board of Directors, as the company's most senior management body, is responsible for defining and updating the sustainability strategy and for approving the material sustainability topics and their reporting. The Board of Directors is in regular contact with the Executive Board.

The implementation of the sustainability strategy is coordinated by the sustainability department, which prioritises activities through its exchange with the ‘Buildings and Sustainability’ task force and the ‘Personnel and Governance’ task force. These groups are composed of individual members of the Executive Board and department heads from the areas of construction, property management, sustainability, human resources and legal. The groups also help to ensure that sustainability initiatives are promoted and integrated into daily business processes. The implementation of all initiatives takes place in operations.

Our material topics

The materiality analysis is an important basis for identifying material ecological, social and economic topics that influence our business activities and our long-term success. After 2019 and 2021, a comprehensive materiality analysis was again carried out in the 2024 financial year. This was carried out as a double materiality analysis for the implementation of GRI and for a broad understanding of the sustainability context. Accordingly, the assessment considered the positive and negative impacts of our business activities on the environment and our stakeholders, as well as the opportunities and risks arising from social and environmental challenges. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) were also taken into account. 

Overview of goals

The topics identified in the materiality analysis determine the priorities of our sustainability initiatives:

Climate change

  • 50% reduction in CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 2035 compared to 2019 levels
  • Net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 (operational emissions, Scope 1, 2 and 3)
  • 100% of owner-related electricity from renewable sources by 2025
  • Portfolio-wide implementation of green lease clauses
  • Reduction of grey energy in new construction and renovation projects

Material life cycle

  • Sourcing of regional or local materials where possible and appropriate
  • Reduction of the proportion of non-renewable primary raw materials in construction projects
  • Strengthening the circular economy

Location attractiveness

  • Excellent location of properties
  • High product quality through respectful consideration of the historic building fabric and certification of properties
  • Enhancement of the property environment

Dedicated team

  • Continued high level of employee satisfaction based on GPTW survey:
    Trust Index and General Satisfaction above 80%
  • Stable employee turnover around 10%
  • Absence rate less than 3% (excluding absences due to non-occupational accidents)


  • Mieter-Gesamtzufriedenheit gemäss Mieterbefragung über Benchmark
  • Rücklaufquote bei Mieterbefragung höher als Branchendurchschnitt

Financial resilience

  • High intrinsic value and stability
  • Payment of at least 70% of the consolidated annual profit excluding gains/losses on real estate investments as a dividend to shareholders
  • Compliance with sustainable finance criteria

Responsible corporate management

  • Disclosure in accordance with IFRS, EPRA, GRI
  • Protection of customer data
  • Company-wide compliance with the PSP Code of Conduct
  • Advancing sustainability efforts