Financial resilience
Long-term stability and resilience to economic fluctuations
A solid financial basis and forward-looking risk management make it possible to remain stable and flexible even in challenging market conditions. The focus is on minimising financial risks and at the same time exploiting opportunities in order to sustainably strengthen economic stability and enable long-term growth and value creation. Constant access to capital is essential here.
Key figures
- High intrinsic value and stability
- Payment of at least 70% of the consolidated annual profit excluding gains/losses on real estate investments as a dividend to shareholders
- Compliance with sustainable finance criteria
- Conservative financing policy with adequate debt ratio
- Debt financing linked to sustainability criteria
- Internal control system framework
Green financing strengthens commitment to sustainability
We implement our green finance approach for all bonds and bank loans. This emphasises the importance of sustainability as an integral part of our strategy. To further emphasise this focus, the criteria underlying the green finance approach are also incorporated into the calculation formula for the variable, performance-related remuneration of the Executive Board.
Risk management
The internal control system (ICS) is an integral part of risk management, covering all important operational processes. The structure of the ICS is described in an ICS framework, whereby the three dimensions of governance, IT and process controls are taken into account. A risk control matrix summarises the individual processes. The framework and the control instruments are regularly reviewed in order to identify the need for adjustments due to new risks or changes in business processes and to initiate measures.
Climate risks are integrated into the company-wide risk management system. Details on the identification and management of climate risks can be found in the Sustainability Report and in the following document: