Förrlibuckstrasse 151, Zürich

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The car park in Zurich West is ideally located nearby the A1 motorway (Bern, Basel, St. Gallen) and provides a total of about 1,000 parking spaces on nine parking levels. XXL parking spaces and charging stations complete the offer.

Build year: 1975
Renovation year: 2000|23

Förrlibuckstrasse 151, Zürich
Förrlibuckstrasse 151, Zürich
Förrlibuckstrasse 151, Zürich

Type of use

Type m2 in %
Others 1800 m2 100%
Total rentable space 1800 m2 100%

Contacts and map

Property Management
Nina Säuberli
PSP Management Ltd
Seestrasse 353
8038 Zurich

Phone +41 (0)44 625 50 70
Care Of
Victor Zimmermann
PSP Management Ltd

Phone +41 (0)78 922 88 01
Standby +41 (0)78 600 66 07

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