Genfergasse 4, Bern

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Through an entrance with a pedestrian underpass, this property is directly connected to the station complex, with its shopping arcades, office space and parking levels. The building was constructed at the end of the 19th century.

Build year: 1899
Renovation year: 1984|2005|06


Genfergasse 4, Bern
Genfergasse 4, Bern

Type of use

Type m2 in %
Office 952 m2 53%
Gastronomy 544 m2 30%
Others 291 m2 16%
Total rentable space 1787 m2 99%

Green Asset Portfolio

To qualify as a green asset, a property must fulfil two criteria. Currently the effective CO₂ emissions per square metre must not exceed 12 kg per year and the property must have a property-specific ESG rating of at least 3.5 from Wüest Partner.

Further information on the two key figures (2023) as well as on PSP Swiss Property’s Green Finance Reporting can be found here.

CO₂ emissions
in kgCO₂e/m²
ESG rating
from Wüest Partner

Contacts and map

Property Management
Stefanie Imhof
PSP Management Ltd
Kirschgartenstrasse 12
4051 Basel

Phone +41 (0)62 919 90 07
Care Of
Casapro Ltd
Frau Sadiki

Phone +41 (0)31 991 80 90

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