Bollwerk 15, Bern

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The prestigious property is located at the gateway to the upper part of the historic city centre. The corner location, with excellent pedestrian traffic, is suitable for retail and restaurant use.

Build year: 1924
Renovation year: 2002

Bollwerk 15, Bern
Bollwerk 15, Bern

Type of use

Type m2 in %
Office 1216 m2 62%
Sales 435 m2 22%
Gastronomy 119 m2 6%
Others 161 m2 8%
Total rentable space 1931 m2 98%

Contacts and map

Property Management
Stefanie Imhof
PSP Management Ltd
Kirschgartenstrasse 12
4051 Basel

Phone +41 (0)62 919 90 07
Care Of
Casapro Ltd
Frau Sadiki

Phone +41 (0)31 991 80 90

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